Adelphi Law Chambers LLC

The future of work for lawyers – discussions in the Legal Tech Track, Tech3 Forum 2020 : “Black Swans & Blue Ocean : A New Digital Paradigm”

Adrian : Enjoyed being a panelist for the Legal Tech Track of the Tech3 Forum 2020 Black Swans & Blue Ocean: A New Digital Paradigm, organised by the Singapore Computer Society with support from Singapore Academy of LawIMDA, and others.

Jack Ow and Joey Pang led wonderfully with two masterclasses on ‘The Future of Work for Lawyers – How to do legal work’, leaving the discussion on  “Lessons Learnt – Best Practices on Digital Lawyering” to ‘it has to work for the client’ Rakesh Kirpalani, ‘being paperless from the start made us ready for lockdown divorces’ June Lim and myself, superbly (prepared and) moderated by ‘it just works’ Josh.

#digitallawyering  #futureofwork


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